How to Start a Neighborhood Association

Neighborhood Associations are usually started because there is a need for members of the community to come together with a purpose in mind. Sometimes this purpose is a concern that needs to be addressed, and sometimes it or it may just be a common goal for improvement.

Before you start making plans, check our database of Neighborhood Associations to see if there is one that already exists in your area.

It will take time, energy, and the cooperation of a group of citizens to make a Neighborhood Association a reality.
Before your first meeting, the following questions should be answered:

  • Who is going to attend?
    How are you going to get the information regarding meetings and actions to these people? In a small neighborhood, you can knock on doors and hand out flyers. Social media is another way to get the word out.
  • What is the initial goal of your Association?
    Usually there is an objective starting out. Make sure this goal is clearly defined, but simply stated.  While there may be a lot of issues that need to be addressed, figure out what needs to be prioritized and what needs to be put on a back burner.
  • Where are meetings going to be held?
    A small group can be hosted in someone’s home, but a larger group may need to meet in a library or community center.
  • How is the meeting going to run?
    You will need to delegate someone to act as a leader and keep communication flowing. It is also important to have another person who can take notes
  • When is the best time to hold a meeting?
    You will never find a time that is perfect for everyone, but evenings and weekends are usually the best bet.

Some other tips to make your first meeting successful:

  • Offer food and drinks.
  • Keep the meeting to a specified length. Usually and hour and a half to two hours is best.
  • Create a sign-in sheet with the best form of contact (email or phone) on it.
  • Schedule the next meeting before everyone leaves.